Pickleball Serving Rules: Learn how to be successful on the court
Pickleball is one of the most popular sports across the globe, which features strategy, agility, and most importantly, the good time. As is the case with any other sport, there is a certain strategy that can make or break your performance, and that is serving. No matter how long you have been playing the game, or just starting out, it is crucial to understand the rules of serving in pickleball. Please continue; I would like to give you the low-down on serves and help you to serve with ease.
Why the Serve Matters
The serve in pickleball is more than just a way to start the game – it is the position to take the lead in the game. The serve is a very powerful tool that can place the opponent on the defense and set the rally to your favor. There are certain rules that every player should follow to make the game safe and interesting, and that is why core serving rules are important to know. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Underhand Serve
All serves must be underhanded. The paddle must hit the ball at a point which is below your waist that is at navel height or lower.
Foot Placement
During the serve, player must ensure that at least one foot is behind the baseline. This means that non-touch any part of your feet to the court or baseline until after the ball has been hit.
Crosscourt Serve
Serves have to be taken diagonal and the ball has to land in the opposite service box. Make sure that your aim is correct in order to avoid making faults.
Single Attempt Rule
One serve is allowed and if there is a let then the server can have another serve.
Service Sequence in Doubles
Both players on a team have to serve before the server changes to the other side. To be quite honest, both players should take turns serving to make it quite fair.
Tips to Refine Your Serve
Prioritize Consistency: It is better to have a perfect technique and hit the ball in a steady manner, aiming for the right spot, instead of trying to hit the ball as hard as possible.
Mix It Up: The speed, the spin, as well as the placement of the ball should be randomized to keep the opponent on the back foot.
Aim for Precision: Pick on certain areas of the service box to enhance your odds of coming up victorious.
Watch Out for Common Faults
Foot Faults: The baseline should not be crossed before the ball is hit in the air.
Improper Paddle Contact: It is understood that the paddle must make contact with the ball at a point below the waist and with an upward swing.
Missed Aims: Do not let the ball land outside the service territory during the service.
Rule Updates You Should Know
To make the game more interesting, the rules are sometimes slightly changed by the governing bodies. Some of the recent amendments are listed below:- Sportsmen are also allowed to use the drop serve in which the ball can rebound before being hit.
- The underhand serve is still legal which provides a room for choice in the style of serve.